Tips for Beating the Dry Air Demons

January 23, 2025

Oh, winter. Not only do you grace us with biting cold temperatures, but you fill our homes with dry indoor air. Yuck!

If you're a homeowner in New Jersey, you're all too familiar with this seasonal annoyance. Dry indoor air is prevalent when heating systems are frequently used during colder months. So, what's a family to do?

Here are some lessons—and solutions— for dealing with dry indoor air.

Understanding the Reasons Behind Dry Air

As a homeowner, you know when you need heating repair. But do you know when your indoor air needs some attention? Air Experts is here to help! Here are the main reasons why your home might be experiencing dry indoor air.

Cold air can't hold much moisture

In simple terms, cold air holds less moisture than warm air. So, when cold air enters your home in wintertime, it doesn't bring in any moisture and makes indoor air dry.

Heating systems are in use

Naturally, you'll turn on your heater in winter. Unfortunately, most heating systems (especially forced air systems) heat the air without moisture, resulting in dry air.

Lack of ventilation

Our homes remain closed during the colder months as we do our best to stay warm. Naturally, this affects our home's ventilation as fresh air isn't getting inside. This can lead to stagnant, dry, unhealthy air. Tip: On milder days, consider opening the windows for five minutes to allow fresh air to circulate.

Signs Your Home Has Dry Indoor Air

Not sure if you're experiencing dry air? Here are some common signs:

  • Peeling wallpaper
  • Cracks in drywall and wooden furniture
  • Damage to electrical equipment from static shock
  • Damage to walls and floors

Effects of Dry Air on Our Health

Dry air can affect our health, too. It can cause:

  • Dry, scratchy throat and eyes
  • Nose bleeds
  • Dry, itchy skin
  • Asthma flares
  • Respiratory problems
  • Sinus & allergy issues
  • Bronchitis
  • Dehydration

Solutions to Conquering Dry Indoor Air

Are you experiencing icky, dry air? Try these tips:

Use a portable humidifier

A room humidifier will add moisture to your indoor air and balance out your humidity levels, making temperatures more comfortable.

Install a whole-home humidifier

A whole-home humidifier is a foolproof way to combat dry indoor air. It balances humidity levels all year and leaves your family feeling as comfortable as ever. Do you have a question about the best type for your home? Call Air Experts today for answers to all your indoor air quality questions.

Add houseplants

Houseplants will add a pop of color to any space and release moisture into the air (through transpiration). Certain plants like peace lilies, Boston ferns, and spider plants are particularly good at raising humidity levels.

Take shorter, fewer showers

Try to avoid extra hot showers to protect your skin from drying out.

Seal and insulate doors and windows

Sealing doors, windows, and other cracks prevents cold, dry air from entering your home.

Place water bowls near heat sources

Place water containers/bowls near your heating vents or radiators for a quick fix. When the heat warms the air, it also evaporates the water into the air and adds moisture.

Apply lotion

Apply lotion to lock moisture into your skin after a warm (not hot) shower.

Air Experts Is Here for You!

Do you have more dry air questions or concerns? Call Air Experts today to schedule an appointment or do it online here. We are your top, indoor air quality, furnace repair and HVAC replacement team in Monmouth and Ocean Counties!

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Last Updated: February 03, 2025